The F.A.N.I.MAR is a Fund managed by bodies composed of Members, all of whom are exclusively engaged in voluntary work. They are partly appointed on an equal basis by the three S.S.O.: FIL CGIL, FIT CISL and UILTRASPORTI Settore Marittimi (see the 15-member Board of Directors) and partly elected by the Board itself, such as the President, the Vice-President, and the four-member President's Committee (C.d.P.).
The F.A.N.I.MAR is a non-profit Fund that operates to provide its members (all workers in the maritime sector) with socio-assistance benefits (direct), within the limits of its resources available year by year, as well as, in application of trade union agreements, health, accident and other benefits, making use of special and specific insurance policies under agreements signed for this purpose.