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About us

The F.A.N.I.MAR is a Fund managed by bodies composed of Members, all of whom are exclusively engaged in voluntary work. They are partly appointed on an equal basis by the three S.S.O.: FIL CGIL, FIT CISL and UILTRASPORTI Settore Marittimi (see the 15-member Board of Directors) and partly elected by the Board itself, such as the President, the Vice-President, and the four-member President's Committee (C.d.P.).

The F.A.N.I.MAR is a non-profit Fund that operates to provide its members (all workers in the maritime sector) with socio-assistance benefits (direct), within the limits of its resources available year by year, as well as, in application of trade union agreements, health, accident and other benefits, making use of special and specific insurance policies under agreements signed for this purpose.

Why us

Because it is distinguished by its ability to speed up the processing of applications and the subsequent payment of benefits as well as by the constant and punctual assistance provided by the staff in charge and also by the management bodies.

Because the health services that can be provided are extended to the members of the member's household as shown on the Family Status Certificate, with the sole exclusion of members other than the spouse (or "more-uxorio" cohabitee), children and parents.

Because all workers found to be already enrolled at the date of retirement can continue to benefit from the healthcare services provided, subject to authorisation by the BoD, at favourable contribution costs, supplemented by F.A.N.I.MAR, according to the resources available from year to year, until the age of 90. At the age of 90, the retired Member shall become a "Benemerito Member" at the full expense of the Fund.

Because it has provided, by way of derogation, for the possibility of continuing to provide health benefits even to retired members who have passed the age of 80, placing them in a special band, again depending on the resources available year by year.

Our Story


The FA.NI.MAR. was set up on the initiative of the three maritime sector trade unions (FILT/CGIL,FIT/CISL, UIL/TRASPORTI) in response to the felt need of the category to have a self-managed fund at the service of workers, able to directly and indirectly provide social and welfare benefits, making use of contributions provided by shipowning companies following trade union agreements. At the beginning, the activity was limited to indirect benefits of a medical nature, mainly addressed to Captains and Chief Engineers, under specific union contracts.


Following the national trade union agreements with Confitarma and Fedarlinea, in which it was involved, the FA.NI.MAR. was also able to provide, again indirectly, other benefits, in particular those related to accidents and the withdrawal of the navigation booklet for sickness and accidents.

1999 – 2000

Using part of the contributions paid to it under union agreements, the FA.NI.MAR. was able to start directly providing other types of benefits not provided for by national agreements, as a welfare and social contribution, in particular by giving sums to contribute to the expenses borne by the heirs of Sanitaria members and seafarers, 'pro-tempore' members, who died of natural causes in the workplace, and by including reimbursements for physiotherapy and dental care in the health benefits.

The benefits provided directly have been increased by adding handouts as additional social welfare contributions, including in the case of accidents, which are also already provided for by national agreements, and by increasing the amount of handouts already in place. All this, of course, within the limits of the resources available year by year and under certain rules established by the President's Committee and ratified by the Board of Directors.


The Fund obtains registration in the Register of Funds at the Ministry of Health